CageCatcher Liners 100-22.25"X15.25" Sheets
Unique waxed paper liners are designed to allow placing a full week's supply in each cage bottom. Simply remove one each day to keep your cages fresh and clean while saving time and money. Further, CageCatchers' smooth, white, non-absorbent surface allows at-a-glance checking of droppings for signs of illness, distress or other problems.
Your feathered friends can enjoy a clean, fresh-white cage bottom liner each day. And you can enjoy freedom from scattered bedding mess, soggy papers, fungi contamination and other unsightly, unsanitary conditions.
No bedding to scatter outside cage.
Eliminates mold, resists fungal growth. Won't hold moisture.
A week's supply fits in bottom tray for quick daily change.
Hypo-allergenic. Won't irritate birds.
Non-absorbent, white surface allows easy health monitoring of droppings.
Very economical! 1/2-to-1/5 the cost of alternative liners.