Feather-In AntiPick - This is a new product that is really exciting!
Mix a small amount of this finely milled herbal powder with water in an 8 oz. spray bottle and mist twice a day. Human cosmetic grade.
Use with AviVita Plus multivitamins and with Featheriffic! feather growth supplement for beautiful new feathers.
All About Feather In
Written by Janelle Crandell
Feather In is a new approach to treating dry skin-related feather picking. We have successfully treated three of our birds for seasonal feather picking using this product. The product works immediately (which gives us the impression that their feather problems are irritation oriented rather than behaviorally oriented.) We also provide our birds with attention, toys, and a varied and well-balanced diet.
While they are on the Feather In treatment they also receive AviVita Plus multi-vitamin supplement and Featheriffic! feather growing supplement. These supplements provide all the necessary vitamins, amino acids along with added vitamin B which tends to calm birds down which also can play a key factor in suppressing feather picking. Feather In is derived from Oats (Avena Sativa) and processed to exacting standards to meet a broad spectrum of use in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and veterinary industries. It is a “natural” product and consists of proteins and lipid materials. Due to the nature of the lipid/protein content and the fact that these are completely natural products, uncontaminated by extraneous additives, its usefulness is well established in a variety of products. Feather In has, in addition, been specifically formulated for birds.
Historically, Avena Sativa (which in this form can also be called cosmetic-grade avian- specific colloidal oatmeal) has been used for topical applications to benefit skin that has been damaged, abraded, or distressed due to a wide variety of causes. Feather In can be added to warm water and used a spray mist to ameliorate inflammation and to hydrate your bird’s skin. Most effectively it should be used as instructed on your bottle of Feather In or 1 teaspoon per 8 oz. warm water and sprayed on your bird until the feathers are soaked to the skin. This will provide the necessary moisture to aid hydration and eliminate the dry skin which can lead to feather picking. Once a day is good and twice a day is better if you can manage to allow your bird to dry out before night time. Spray until you no longer see any evidence of feather picking. This can be several days or several months. For example, Winter months dry heat can aggravate your bird’s skin and cause dry skin-related feather picking due to lack of humidity in your home.
If you have purchased the Feather In 8 oz. or 16 oz. powder please make certain to rinse out the spray bottle and sprayer every day after use and to make fresh solution daily. And as mentioned above, for best results, we recommend that you use AviVita Plus along with Featheriffic! while treating with Feather In.