AviCalm is an avian specific formulation using a compound found in green tea leaves. Use for screamers, nervous or aggressive birds: For behavior related feather pickers and chewers. For traveling or new environments. Safe, non-sedating, non-toxic. Mix with Featheriffic! and deposit on fruit, veggies, or seed.
The active ingredient in AviCalm, L-Theanine, is used as a food additive in Japan to promote relaxation and a feeling of well-being without drowsiness. It is non-toxic and can not be overdosed. It is FDA registered as safe for food. We use the only certified and tested food additive form of L-Theanine in our AviCalm formulation.
The potency of L-Theanine is amplified by B vitamins and lethicin. Therefore, AviCalm should be given together with our Featheriffic! supplement. We mix them together and place in a small pile on top of our pellet/seed mixture. (Our birds love the sweet corn flavor of Featheriffic! and they eat it immediately - even before they eat the rest of their food.)
Technical Specifications:
L-Theanine has been the subject of serious intensive research relating to animal behavior. Studies of pet dogs and cats with problems such as excessive barking, aggression and destructive behavior have proven L-Theanines effectiveness in treating these problems.
These animal tests also showed that the potency of L-Theanine is amplified by B vitamins and lethicin. Therefore, AviCalm is best given together with our Featheriffic supplement. We mix them together and place in a small pile on top of our pellet/seed mixture. (Our birds love the sweet corn flavor of Featheriffic! and they eat it immediately - even before they eat the rest of their food.)
We use the only certified and tested human food additive form of L-Theanine in our AviCalm formulation. We receive a certificate of analysis for every lot delivered to assure purity, the absence of heavy metals and no evidence of coliform organisms. Our L-Theanine is combined with maltodextrin, a non-sugar food-grade carbohydrate to provide an easy dosing regime as follows:
Small Birds (Cockatiels, Budgies, Finches, etc) - 1/8 teaspoon every 8 to 12 hours
Medium (Amazons, Greys, Pionus) - 1/4 teaspoon every 8 to 12 hours
Large Birds (Cockatoos, Macaws) - 1/2 teaspoon every 8 to 12 hours